Monday, December 28, 2015

Who Is Jesus?

It has been a long time since I have posted. It has been a very busy year for me. I have finished all of my courses for ministerial preparation and I will soon move into the hands-on supervised ministry part. Though I have learned much, there is so much more to learn. I look forward to this upcoming chapter of my life as I follow God's will for me.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of breaking God's word in our church and sharing the message while our pastors are away taking the youth to Follow2015 in Indianapolis. As we are coming quickly to the close of 2015 and look ahead to 2016, I would like to share the message that God laid on my heart to share yesterday. So, Who Is Jesus?

Before I give you the paraphrased version of the message I delivered yesterday, I want to encourage you to open God's Word and read John 1:1-14. Take time to read it carefully and see what it says about who Jesus is.

1. Jesus Is Light - In five verses, John uses the word light seven times. Most of these refer to Jesus as the Light, but each time, the word light is used in opposition to the darkness. If you didn't read from the RSV, that translation translates verse five a bit differently "...but darkness has not overcome it," (John 1:5). The darkness has not overcome the Light - nothing can or will overcome Jesus. He is the true Light of the world (John 1:9). Jesus freely offers light to all, yet not everyone will accept it. Sadly, much of the world rejects His Light because the love of sin blinds humanity to the Light of God. But there is hope because God will always have followers until the day of Jesus' return. Are you one of them?

2. Jesus Is Life - Verse twelve tells us we become children of God by accepting the gift of a new birth, not because we are human, but because we receive and accept the gift given. We must do our part. Remember though, it's not about what we do, but about what He's done. The father/child relationship flows not from being created, but from believing Him. When we accept Jesus in our lives, we have the promise of salvation and will spend eternity in His presence. If you haven't given your life to Him, what is stopping you?

3. Jesus Is Lord - Verse 14 tells us that the "Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Jesus left the perfection of heaven and chose to take up residence in a teenager's womb so He could be born like the rest of us. He lived on this earth and faced temptations - the same as we do daily - and overcame them all. He didn't just appear to be a man. Jesus was a man. The cradle was not the beginning nor was the cross the end. Jesus defeated death and Hell and is alive today. His life on earth was simply a blip in time for Him. He was alive before the cradle and lives today and forever. As you look toward 2016, can you look back over 2015 and say with confidence that Jesus is Lord over your life? Has Christmas been about Him, or something else? Will you choose now to allow Jesus to be Lord over your life today and every day for the rest of your life? If not, why not? If so, pray and tell Him. Seek His guidance and direction. Look to 2016 with expectancy and hope for He is Lord.

May the peace, love, and joy of Christ dwell in you richly as you submit to His Lordship over your life. Blessings to you and yours for 2016. In Jesus' joy, Natalie

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