Friday, September 30, 2011

Overcoming Temptation

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 NKJV

What a promise! Do you hear God's voice speaking to you through this passage of Scripture, recorded so long ago? We serve the same God today as He was yesterday, and so He will be tomorrow. That excites me and I hope it excites you too!!

Have you ever been tempted and fallen, knowing it was wrong? If so, you are not alone. However, this is not a pattern we need to continue falling into. We can pray and God can heal and cleanse us from our faults and sins. We have hope in overcoming temptations. This passage is our promise from our eternal, loving Father who wants more and better for us than we can begin to imagine.

Realize that temptation is not sin. Acting on the temptation is the sinful behaviour. Remember God's promise to always provide a way out. Will it always be easy to see and follow through? No, maybe not, but we will always have a choice. Sometimes in the midst of temptation, our emotions and feelings cloud our judgement and thoughts. It is then we need to call on the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to make the truth clear and audible. When we know the truth - that there is a way out - it is easier to find it if we will take the time to listen to the voice and nudgings of the Spirit in our hearts.

If you are struggling with temptation, take the time to memorize this Scripture verse. Write it down, put it in your phone, put it on your desktop, mirror, the dash of your car, your refrigerator. Put it in front of you, over and over until it is rooted deeply in your heart and mind. Trust in the Word of God to be your anchor in the storm. Cry out to Him when you feel the temptation coming on. Allow Him to fill the spaces in your heart and longings. He is there. His presence is what we are all searching for.

Let's pray together:

Dear glorious and gracious Father,
Thank you for Your promises that draw us nearer to You. Thank You for Your presence, for Jesus Your Son, and for the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Lord forgive us when we fall. Forgive us for giving into our temptations. Lord, come fill us with Your presence and cleanse us of the sinfulness we fall into. Lord, we pray for Your strength to overcome temptation. We pray for Your wisdom and discernment to see the way out You will provide. Father, help us to be more like Jesus, trusting completely in Your will for our lives. We love You and wait expectantly, In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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